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Storing Sponge Cakes

Find out how to properly store your Sponge Cakes in this guide

How do you correctly store a cake? It’s a question that can have many varied answers depending on who you as. We’ve put together this handy Cake storage guide to inform you of the best way to store our cakes.

Proper cake storage is important, you need to ensure you keep them in the right environment to keep them fresh, moist, and as delicious, as the day they arrive. In this short guide, we will tell you the best way to keep your Sponge cakes without having to buy special cake storage containers.

Should I keep or store a cake in the fridge?

The simple answer to this for our cakes is, no. You shouldn’t store our cakes in the fridge, as there is a risk that they will become dry and crumbly. You may be worried about the buttercream melting, but as long as the cakes are stored at the correct temperature, this shouldn’t happen.

Our cakes do not need refrigeration, the correct cake storage temperature is room temperature. Not too hot and not too cold. Simply place the cakes in a cosy spot in your kitchen and they will remain delicious and moist.

Do I need a cake storage box?

When our cakes are unsealed in their original packaging, they will remain fresh. Once they are opened, it is best to keep them in airtight containers, however, you don’t need to go out and buy a special cake storage box or container. You could simply use airtight Tupperware if you have one big enough you can place the whole or remainder of the cake in it. If you don’t have a Tupperware box big enough but have smaller ones, cut the cake into slices and put them in individual ones.

How do I store a buttercream cake?

All of our cakes are buttercream cakes or buttercream alternatives for our dairy-free / vegan range. We all get concerned that if we leave a cake with buttercream out it will melt, but as long as the environment isn’t excessively hot and the cake isn’t near direct heat it will be fine. Buttercream should be soft when eaten to help keep the cake moist, if it is kept in the fridge, the buttercream becomes too firm. We always recommend keeping our cakes in a nice cosy spot, at around room temperature. This will ensure that the cake remains beautifully moist and delicious without the risk of the buttercream melting, but keeping it soft.

I am looking for a cake that keeps for over a week

Well if that is the case, you’ll be pleased to know that our Sponge Cakes stay fresh for 7 to 10 days depending on the type of cake. Our fruit-based cakes, such as our carrot cake, keep for a week (7 days), while out non-fruit-based cakes, such as Victoria Sponge, or Chocolate cake, keep for over a week (10 days). Most of our cakes are usually eaten before that length of time, however, if you do want to make your cake last for longer, as long as you follow our storage guidance, your cake will remain as delicious as the day it arrived. Our cakes do keep well for this length of time.

Storing Cake Overnight

As it is typically cooler overnight, you don’t have to worry about the heat so much, just other things that lurk in the night. For instance, family members, pets, and creepy crawlies. So, to make sure that your cake stays protected while you’re fast asleep, follow our advice above regarding popping it in an airtight container. That way if anyone sneaks down for a midnight snack, you might have a chance of hearing it open! Or, just keep it covered over to stop anything landing on it and possibly ruining your cake. If it’s still unopened in its original packaging then it will be perfectly fine, left in a nice cosy spot, overnight.

How to store Victoria Sponge

As one of our award-winning Victoria Sponge Cake is very popular with our customers. This delicious Sponge is simple to store. As with the rest of the guidance we have provided, storing your Victoria Sponge is the same as above. Don’t keep it in the fridge, they don’t like being cold. Just store it in a nice cosy spot, either unopened in its original packaging or in an airtight container once open. And, it’s always best enjoyed at room temperature.

Best Way to Preserve A Wedding Cake

The most effective way to preserve our wedding cakes is by freezing them. Our cakes can be frozen for up to 6 months. So, if you want to be well prepared and order your wedding cake in advance you can! Just pop them into the freezer whole in their packaging. Then all you need to do is take them out 24 hours before your big day, so they have time to get up to room temperature. No need for fancy wedding cake storage containers, if they are left unopened in their original packaging it’ll keep well. Or, when opened just put any left-over slices into air tight containers.

So, that is our advice for the best way to store Sponge Cakes.