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Sponge Heroes June Comp

Read about our Sponge Heroes Competition for June

It’s time for our June Sponge Heroes competition. For our competition, you nominate someone who has made a real difference in your life or the life of others in your community, and they could win a fabulous cake! Read below to find out more and how to enter our competition:

What is a Sponge Hero?

A Sponge hero is someone who has made a real difference in the life of one of our customers. This month we will be giving away a FREE Sponge cake to a nominated Sponge Hero to celebrate those who make a real difference in the lives of others. It’s our way of helping you to say thank you!

Who can be nominated?

Anyone who’s made a difference to you or someone in your life, whether it’s a neighbour that always helps other people in your neighbourhood, a nursing team that gave you or a family member exemplary care, or someone making a real difference in your community. The list could go on, and it’s all down to you to tell us the story of your personal hero. The only rules are you can’t nominate yourself and you need to be able to provide us with the name and address of the person if they win.

What will they/you win?

The winning nominee of our monthly Sponge Hero competition will win a Sponge Cake for 8 of your choice, which we will send out to them directly. The person that nominated the winner will also win a free Cake Card!

How can I nominate someone?

There are a couple of ways you can nominate a sponge hero:

Nominations can be sent via email to [email protected], you’ll need to send us the story of why your nominee should win this month’s Sponge Hero prize. Please send all emails with the subject line ‘Sponge Hero’s Nomination’.

Social Media (Facebook, Instagram & Twitter) entry requirements will be included with each month’s Sponge Hero’s post, but the main requirements will be that our profile is followed and/or liked by yourself and that you either direct message or comment with the story of why your nominee should win this month’s Sponge Hero prize. If posting your nomination on your social media profile/stories please make sure to include the hashtag #SpongeHeroes.

How will Sponge choose a winner?

We will review all of the entries to the competition and read your stories – along with checking that you have complied with all of the entry requirements. Once we have reviewed them, we will narrow it down and finally pick a winner that we think deserves a thank you for their good deeds based on your stories. Winners will be announced at the beginning of July.

How will Sponge contact the winner?

As mentioned above you’ll need to provide us with the name and delivery information for your nominee if they are the Sponge Hero of the month. We will then arrange for the cake to be sent to them on your behalf. We will also need your contact and delivery details to send you a free Cake Card.

Are there any hidden catches?

No, we are not super villains looking to trap your Sponge Hero, there’s no catch involved. All we ask is that the winner sends us a photo of them with their Sponge cake when it arrives so that we can celebrate these Heroes with you.