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Our Brownies are different...

Can you tell why?

Our new brownies will be available soon and we can't wait to share them with you! But first, we wanted to let you in on a little secret, our brownies are a little bit different to a 'normal' brownie.

The square ones seemed just so... square! As you may have noticed we are much more into circles here at Sponge so we decided to mix things up and create circular brownies. We find them very pleasing to cut into wedges just like our cakes, which means everyone gets a generous portion! We have a feeling this might divide some of our customers - will they be a bit like marmite? Will some love the circular shape and others prefer the traditional square?

One thing you can be sure on - their shape definitely hasn't affected their taste. We have worked very hard to perfect our brownie recipe so they are gorgeously gooey in the middle but with a lovely crunch on the top.

Keep your eyes peeled for our first brownie flavour launching very soon...