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How To Store Sponge Cakes

Correct storage of your Sponge Cakes is actually a very important thing for you to get the most out of your cake and one that is often done...

Correct storage of your Sponge Cakes is actually a very important thing for you to get the most out of your cake and one that is often done incorrectly. Based on our experience speaking with customers one of the most common mistakes made by people with Sponge Cakes is storing them in the fridge. Whilst cakes with fresh cream do need to be stored chilled, at Sponge we do not use fresh cream we use buttercream and so our cakes should be stored at an ambient room temperature.

If the cakes are stored in the fridge it makes the buttercream very hard and so rather than melt in your mouth as it should, they will stay together more and not melt into the cake as you eat it.

Another thing people don’t often realise about how to store your cake to keep it in its best condition is the importance of keeping them in an airtight container as much as possible. Circulating air is the enemy of the Sponge and it is another reason a fridge is so bad for a sponge as fridges circulate cold air constantly speeding up the drying out of the cake.

You’ll know when the cake is ready to eat as the sponge and the icing will be soft to the touch. We also add a handy sticker to the top of our cake packaging to help you know when they are ready to enjoy:

We suggest once you have served out your cake then any leftover is placed in a sealed container or wrapped in cling film to stop air from getting to it. Doing this will keep the moisture in your cake for its full shelf life (7/10 days from delivery) as if you were to leave it uncovered for that time you would have a very dry cake that although would be ok to eat on a microbiological level would not be enjoyable (put it this way you would need a big cup of tea to wash it down with!).

At Sponge, we are proud not to use preservatives in our cakes to extend their life and keep them moist. We pride ourselves in keeping them homemade in taste and the method of making no different than you would do at home. Because of this, we try to shout about how best to store and serve your sponge because we want you to enjoy the cake as we intended and in its best state. When you order a Sponge cake from us we keep you updated with the cake’s journey from baking to your home and part of that is sending you information on how to store it. Here is what we say in our email to all those who order a cake:

Your SPONGE will be good for seven days when you receive it. Store in an airtight container at room temperature. We recommend you allow the SPONGE to come up to room temperature for the ULTIMATE SPONGE satisfaction.

There are also instructions on the box it comes in to tell you how to store and so we really our trying our best to help you get the most from your Sponge. We hope you enjoy every mouthful!

If you are a trade customer ask about our Sponge Cake Domes and our ‘Sponge Book Ends’ that we use to help keep the open sides of your cake covered and extend the life of the cake. We developed the ‘Sponge Book Ends’ ourselves from scratch and they are unique in the market. If you want your customers to get the freshest moistest piece of cake possible then they are a must! Email us for more info.