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Last Day Dessert!

[caption id=attachment_5055 align=alignright width=300] Ending 2013 with Sponge![/caption] Simon, Carly, Jacob and Harry emailed in this end...

Ending 2013 with Sponge!

Simon, Carly, Jacob and Harry emailed in this end of year Sponge Moment...

"How to end 2013:

We ordered a selection of mini sponges to share over Christmas and the end of the year. So far they're half gone and tasting delicious! The boys (age 1 and 4) loved theirs and they disappeared in short order - now looking forward to trying out the remaining flavours :-)"

Thanks for sending this piccie in guys - hope you had a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year!

Weekly Sponge Moment Competition

Every week, we reward the best Sponge Moment pic with a SPONGE Friday free cake! All you have to do for a chance to win is send in a pic of you, your friends, or family enjoying Sponge, it’s that simple! Send in Sponge Moments to: [email protected], Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!